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Genoese phonology
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The genoese language is made of 31 sounds,
or, in a more gibberish way,
the phonemic inventory of the genoese language consists of 31 phonemes.

A synopsis is shown here below:

8 vowels
a barba /'barba/ (uncle/beard)
e tésta /'testa/ (head)
E ægua /'E:gwa/ (water)
i bibin /bi'biN/ (turkey)
O côse /'kO:se/ (what?)
ø frisciœ /fri'Sø:/ (fritter)
u cumme /'kumme/ (pardon?)
y fygassa /fy'gassa/ (focaccia)
20 consonants
b báilu /'bajlu/ (trunk) J gnu /'zyJJu/ (june)
d dáttai /'dattaj/ (dates - fruit) p parpélle /par'pelle/ (eyelids)
dZ figiœa /fi'dZø:a/ (child fem.) r recattu /re'kattu/ (order)
f fanfarunn-a /faNfa'ruNNa/ (braggart f.) s sinsâe /siN'sa:e/ (mosquitoes)
g ggue /'gri:gwe/ (lizards) S sciyscettu /Sy'Settu/ (bellows)
k carêga /ka're:ga/ (chair) t tyttu /'tyttu/ (all)
l lalla /'lalla/ (aunt) tS ciæu /'tSE:u/ (bright)
m man /'maN/ (hand) v vexin /ve'ZiN/ (neighbour)
n nœtte /'nøtte/ (night) z zeneize /ze'nejze/ (genoese)
N schenn-a /'skeNNa/ (back - anat.) Z adâxu /a'da:Zu/ (easy!)
3 semivowels/semiconsonants
j raiœ /ra'jœ:/ (ravioli) wòua /'Owwa/ (now ?) Hlanpyin /laŋ'pHiN/ (street lamps)
Because of its peculiarity, it is also noteworthy the consonantal group /StS/
scciypòu /StSy'pOw/ (exploded) sccetta /'StSetta/ (pure)
Regarding the diphtongs and the hiati of the genoese language read this article of Magister (in italian)
  • The phonetic symbols are those of the SAMPA alphabet.
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